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Lucht en Water / Air and Water . Escher, Pieck , Miller and Cameron

A theme which inspired many artists through the ages. Of course in the 16th century dutch painters were known for their landscapes with water and skies, but water and sky remained important for all the centuries that came afterwards. Even M.C. Escher used in his prints these themes frequently and not long ago this theme was used on a scarf by Cordon Art to show the importance of the work. In the seventies Wim Crouwel made several catalogues for the Stedelijk Museum with this theme and one i admire most is the one to accompany the exhibition by artists Miller and Cameron who used the theme of sky and water in their exhibition . Boymans van Beuningen presented Lucy and Jorge Orta who presented their waterwerken and finally there is the one who is known to practically all Dutch….Anton Pieck who used the theme frequently.

