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Axel en Helena van der Kraan ( continued)

I wrote several blogs on Helena van der Kraan her photography, but never mentioned i had my first  meeting with the both of them as artists. It was at the time they made huge wooden sculptures that did move. One of these, with a giant bass fiddle was acquired by the Haags Gemeentemuseum and one was placed for a very long time at an office building at the Kortenaerkade in The Hague. The last one was special and frightened many a passer by. Every quarter of an hour he turned his wrist and looked at his watch, scaring the people who happened to pass at just that moment, Now i ahve added to my inventory 2 books on Axel en Helena and….. i want to share a special movie in which Kees Broos (curartor at the Haags Gemeentemuseum) made a video on Axel and Helena, featuring….Gerard Verdijk.