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Wim Oepts (1904-1988)

Schermafbeelding 2019-11-04 om 12.46.55

Wim Oepts , always reminds of the more abstract brother of Vincent van Gogh. The choice of colors even reminds of van Gogh and in many cases his landscapes are the same kind of Landscapes van Gogh preferred to paint. The days that Oepsts started to paint were the same days that van Gogh was finally recognized as being one of the great painters of all time. This meant that Oepts must have known his paintings very well and admired them. This also meant that he never followed the road into abstraction . His paintings were always colorful and the subjects recognizable. Friendly paintings for those who want an ” easy” work of art on the wall. Affordable certainly , artistically important? ….i doubt it.

left Oepts / Right van Gogh


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