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Gunter Tuzina

Why Tuzina in this blog. Tuzina is one of those artists who remained true to a certain principle in art and researched it over 40 years now. Het started with a line in one corner and developed his art from there on. Tilted rectangles, which are crossed from corner to corner in different kinds of colors is the main figure used by Tuzina and is very recognizable and one can find an excellent walldrawing with this “window” in the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag.

The Gemeentemuseun  was one of the first who presented his works and in the eighties Pablo van Dijk commissioned Tuzina to make 55 separate drawings in different colors for his Bebert publishing house. The one depicted here is one of these 55. Signed and dated by Tuzina and in excellent mint condition. This one is available at and soon there will be a second “green” one listed from the same series. Impressive art from an artist who can be considered as a post minimal artist.

I found an excellent biography on Art index:

Günter Tuzina studied at the Hamburg Art Academy between 1971 and 1977. He has been exploring the fundamental principles underlying painting since 1975. Günter Tuzina combines lines, squares, rectangles and Colour Fields within a frame in a fascinating and inexhaustibly rich quest for equilibrium and tension. In its stringent simplicity Tuzina’s work is based on Minimal art and the principles laid down by Theo van Doesburg and De Stijl.
Tuzina was awarded a Villa Romana Prize in Florence in 1981. A retrospective was mounted in 1985 at the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague, for which Tuzina executed a mural two years later that was, unfortunately, lost when the museum was restored.
From 1982 until 1999 Tuzina lived and worked in Cologne but now lives in Berlin. He has had numerous exhibitions: at the David Nolan Gallery in New York (1991), the Cologne Kunstverein (1992), the “Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus” in Munich (1993) and again at the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague in 2002.



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